
  • Weekly Intelligence Brief: 13 - 20 August, 2012

    FAA completes Nantucket offshore wind study Companies and organisations mentioned:The Federal Aviation Administration, Energy Management, Dong Energy, PNE Wind, BnetzA, Tennet, Dong Energy, Barclays, Danske Bank, JP Morgan, Nordea Keppel FELS

  • Offshore cost cuts “fully achievable”

    An official goal of reducing the UK’s offshore wind costs by 30% in the next seven years is feasible, according to analysts.

  • Offshore Wind Health and Safety info-pack – The answer to your personnel and regulation issues

    In an exclusive Wind Energy Update offshore wind health and safety information pack hear from GE Energy, GWO and Statoil on their views of the industry and ways to improve your safety culture.

  • Weekly Intelligence Brief 6 Aug 6 – 13 Aug 2012

    Blade test facility propel offshore capabilities Companies and organisations mentioned: National Renewable Energy Centre, Shepherd Construction, Turner & Townsend, US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Statoil North America, WindMW

  • Eastern Europe's Wind Energy Growth Prospects

    Despite creeping concerns over its development Eastern Europe is still a powerful emerging market for wind. What impact is it having on the wider supply chain and which manufacturers are taking advantage?.

  • Cost reduction gains momentum in the US wind health and safety industry

    An increased number of suppliers tailor their products and services to match the clients’ need for more cost effective health and safety solutions.

  • Fully fit work, offshore wind passes health check-up

    Priority one for any wind farm manager: Keep workers safe. It is more important than any other consideration such as cost or operational efficiency.

  • Weekly Intelligence Brief: July 30 – Aug 6

    This week’s Wind Energy Update news brief includes the following companies and organisations: Sandia National Laboratories, US Department of Energy; National Renewable Energy Laboratories; Siemens; Windreich; BWE, VDMA Power Systems; Mainstream Renewable Power; The Crown Estate.

  • Taxing Times: Spain battles to save its wind energy future

    Will regulatory red tape permanently damage Spain’s dominance in the wind energy sector? Heikki Willstedt, director of energy policy at The Spanish Wind Energy Association says sector sacrifices are on the cards, but fair negotiations should also be on the negotiation table.

  • A2SEA pride shows in revolutionary offshore wind logistic strategies

    Chief Operation Officer demonstrates how to overcome the logistic problems posed on the Ormonde offshore wind farm to deliver on time, incident free and on budget.

  • Germany marks intent in offshore wind energy

    Have we just witnessed Britain simply not wake up early enough to take the lead on offshore wind construction? Or is Germany just making proactive strides to get the edge on those late Brits?

  • Industry first supply chain strategies revealed to Europe’s wind industry

    In little over a month, the first-ever Wind Energy Summit with an exclusive focus on the entire wind farm supply chain, will take place in Germany, the top country for wind energy production in Europe

  • DECC calls for supply chain risk register

    The Offshore Wind Cost Reduction Task Force has recommended key areas where industry and government can make crucial cost reductions to enable the UK to unlock the full potential of its offshore wind resources. Central to these proposals is effective supply chain management.

  • Weekly Intelligence Brief: 23 July - 30 July 2012

    Belgian Thornton Bank second phase complete Companies and organisations mentioned: C-Power, REpower Systems, RWE Innogy, EDF, ABB, THV Seawind, European Commission

  • Weekly Intelligence Brief: 16 – 23 July 2012

    Dong Energy orders 300 offshore wind turbines Companies mentioned: Dong Energy, Siemens Energy; European Wind Energy Association; European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity, Eurelectric, VGB Powertech, EWEA, EPIA, Geode
